We urge all Wymondham People who support and have supported Wymondham Town Football Club to attend the clubs AGM on Monday Evening 15th June at 7.30pm. Councillor Joe Mooney the new Mayor and football club representative from the Council has indicated he will be attending. We need as many Wymondham people there as is possible to show the solidarity with the football club and Kings Head Meadow. The meeting will last no longer than one hour but your attendance is vital. Once the club and Meadow are gone they will be gone forever so please support us.
Mr. Gurney
I require answers on the following points please. All the information is available from your Council Website and I am absolutely sure that all New Councillors especially Mr Holden are up to speed on the following.
I fully support Wymondham Town Youth Football Club and Wymondham Rugby Club and think they do an amazing job within the community but the following points need to be answered by you.
1/ Wymondham Youth Football Club have many many football pitches at Ketts Park which Wymondham Town Council I believe maintain and cut etc. There was the grant of £163,000 from the Town Council for their new changing area when a perfectly adequate one exists just 10 yards away in Ketts Park Hall. Also because the land is so heavy and totally not suited to sport as the drainage was not working a further £73,000 was spent be Wymondham Town Council to drain their football pitches. I also believe thatfurther money is to be spent on again re draining those pitches with quotes around £120,000.
Wymondham Youth Football pay rent including VAT of just £868.21 per year for this large completely maintained area.
2/ Wymondham Rugby Club have 2 full size Rugby Pitches on the Rec (that’s the big green area off Browick Road to Non Wymondham Councillors). The 2 pitches are cut and maintained by Wymondham Town Council.
Wymondham Rugby Club pay £1,440 including VAT for this large maintained area.
Why when the above is taken from your own Council records do you seek to impose an annual rent of £4,500 including VAT on Wymondham Town Football Club?
The football club has a rough piece of land the size of just 1 football pitch that we have to cut and maintain and seed etc. Everything on this area is paid for and done by the football club with absolutely no help from the council. If the KHM was solely the football clubs under the business lease I could understand it. However we maintain a completely open Public space which is now well used. We have to pay full reparation costs maintain the entire area and sort all ditches and hedges out etc. The Councils as of October 1st own our club house which was built by John Clark (again for non Wymondham Councillors. Mr Clark was a Wymondham Builder and Chairman of the football Club). So we have a small area that the Town Council do absolutely nothing on and charge us £4,500 for the use of.
Wymondham Youth Football Club very large fully maintained area £868.21
Wymondham Rugby Club large area twice the size of the KHM £1,440
Wymondham Town Football Club. 1 small football pitch £4,500 per year a 6000% increase on our current rent which was ridiculously low.
I would like answers on the disparity of these rents please Mr Gurney.
3/ I would like to know when our solicitors can expect to see the draft lease
Having had a good conversation with former Councillor Gibbins about 3 weeks ago he finds it ridiculous the proposed increase. Councillor Gibbins was a Councillor many disagreed with but everyone respected and he was a highly intelligent and successful individual.
I am sure answers to these questions are not even beyond your capabilities.
Kindest Regards
Andy Gardiner
Wymondham Town Football Club Limited